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Published on: 12/01/2023 | Updated on: 12/05/2023 | Reading Time: 2 minutes

DirectAdmin PHP Settings

DirectAdmin allows you the ability to change your PHP version with a simple click.

If you have multiple domains hosted on a single DirectAdmin account, click on the domain name where you see Domain: yourdomain.com (your domain is a blue hyperlink located near the search field) to toggle between the domains to then manage your site redirects.
DirectAdmin Account Manager Section
DirectAdmin Account Manager Section

For the majority of users, setting the PHP Version is enough and you likely won’t Add New Override. Options for each version and the default settings are listed below. Tweak as needed for your site needs.

DirectAdmin PHP Settings
DirectAdmin PHP Settings
PHP Version
7.4 lsphp
8.0 lsphp
8.1 lsphp
8.2 lsphp
If your server includes Cloudlinux, additional PHP versions will be available to you. Our DirectAdmin Shared Hosting Plans include CloudLinux

Add New Override Options

Setting [value]
display_errors [on or off] off is the default setting
error_reporting [E-ALL & ~E_NOTICE, E_ALL, ~E_ALL] E-ALL & ~E_NOTICE is the default setting
file uploads [on or off] on is the default setting
include path [".;/path/to/php/pear"]
log_errors [on or off] off is the default setting
max_execution_time [30]
max_input_time [60]
max_input_vars [1000]
memory_limit [128M]
post_max_size [8M]
register globals [on or off] off is the default setting
session.gc_maxlifetime [1440]
short_open_tag [on or off] on is the default setting
upload_max_filesize [2M, 4M, 8M, 16M, 32M, 64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G] 2M is the default setting
zlib.output_compression [on or off] off is the default setting

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